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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Soldier Ride

Way back in July, I took part in Soldier Ride the Hamptons. Shortly after, I started law school, which has kept me from being able to update this blog :) So, finally, here are the pictures from the event, which, I have to say, was one of the best days of my life.

The event raised money to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project, an awesome organization that helps our nation's wounded heroes. The bike ride was either 30 miles or 60 miles. I did 30 - and man, was that plenty! I rode in honor of Christopher Levi (look back a few posts and you'll see some photos from his homecoming), a wounded warrior from my hometown. The ride was held in memory of Jordan Haerter, a Marine from Sag Harbor who was killed in Iraq in April 2008.

The day started out with registration and breakfast at the American Legion Post in Amaghansett...